Very close to the top of my top ten tips for coping when the “Unthinkable” strikes in life, is to get help! The more “Unthinkable”, the event the more help we need. On the outside, it may seem obvious that a person who is dealing with something, like a death in the family needs help, but trust me when in the throes of something so hard, it is not so obvious. My reaction and the reaction of most of my clients, is that we try to keep going, managing everything ourselves, not even thinking about getting help. Often, it is when we start to feel like we are at the breaking point that we reach out. I am not sure why we humans do that. I am a Life Coach, very familiar with the benefits, the results that coaching offers and I was several weeks into the car accident aftermath, before it occurred to be to reach out for HELP.

My coach and I developed a plan, like a map, or a blue print for how I was going to cope for the first 3 months of post accident life. She helped me see there was a way through this, helped me figure out what I needed to do and supported me while I did it! I needed all the help I could get and got it! There was medical help, chiropractor, massage, physiotherapy, yoga therapy ( yes that is a thing), emotional help, practical help, social help, the list goes on and on.

I am not sure why we resist getting help, I think there is a fear of being weak and needing help? Lack of knowledge about where to turn for help? feeling over whelmed and getting help is one more thing. Maybe any and all of these and other reasons as well. What I know for sure is that I am stronger, have recovered more completely because I had help!

So if you or anyone you know, in fact, it is often the people around us who know we need help before we do, is going through an “Unthinkable” event please get help.

Susy Giddy is a Life Coach. One of her specialties is helping clients cope when faced with adversity and challenges. She can be reached at