
About Susy Giddy’s Journey | All About Resiliency

Man Never Made Any Material as Resilient as The Human Spirit

I think you need to help people get through trauma and hard times”, said my BFF one day last fall, right after our son died of brain cancer. “What are you talking about?’ I asked dumbfounded. “Well she said, look at all the things that happen, look at your experience with trauma, look at how Resilient you are, you are a Coach, you need to help others”.“ The world needs your voice” said my coach Terri Hase.

Look at what you have been through. A child dying, near fatal car accident, brutal attack, to name a few she said! You don’t just endure, you bounce forward to a new place with love, grace and joy. Yep, she said, the world definitely needs the voice of Susy Giddy, on Courage and Resiliency. Humbled, I thought hmmm, could they be right? Does the world need my voice? Hmm, maybe,what I have learned will help others to navigate through trauma, adversity the big things and the small things.

Maybe my voice will help others become more Resilient in a life that brings many ups and downs and a rapidly changing world that necessitates us all developing Resiliency !And so All About Resiliency was born.


Susy Giddy’s Journey

By Tessa Hebb


Resilience is the ability to recover from or adjust to misfortune or change. Susy’s journey over the past year and a half is an example of resilience in motion.  Hard work and determination had enabled Susy to achieve one of her life goals, moving to the Caribbean with her husband Martin.  But life doesn’t work on fairy tale endings. On October 5th 2016, Susy’s world was literally turned upside down when she and Martin survived a life-threatening car accident.  Susy was already grieving the death of her father when this second misfortune struck. She and Martin were travelling down a Nova Scotia highway together when their car spun out of control, flipped over, and narrowly missed a bridge abutment. Thankfully no lives were lost, but both Susy and Martin were injured in the crash and both needed time to heal.  Less than a year later, tragedy struck again.  This time it was the death of Martin and Susy’s son Robin, after a long struggle with cancer. So recovering from and adjusting to misfortune and change has been a key part of Susy’s life journey.


According to the American Psychological Society, “resilience is not a trait that people either have or do not have. It involves behaviors, thoughts and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone.” But as with so many of life’s goals, learning these strategies requires a coach.  Susy’s understanding, compassion, and empathy make her a great life coach. Her own recent experience has deepened her understanding of the strategies we all need when adversity strikes.  Susy draws on helpful tools and techniques that fosters greater resilience. The result is not a fairy tale ending, but a building of the strength we all need when faced with life’s ups and downs.