Remember those New Year’s Resolutions?? Or maybe you don’t make them , because you don’t keep them and then feel bad, or may be you think they are ridiculous and pointless or maybe………
It is the time of year that Resolutions fall to the way side like snow flakes and that is OK, keeping Resolutions is not mandatory, Living your best life is! What if there was a better way than struggling to keep Resolutions???
From my point of view as a person and a Life Coach and a Resiliency Coach, the more that we are living our best life, the more Resilient we become. Why? In the first place by living our best life we are living the way we want to live, this means living in abundance, prosperity and protection mode which means we are happy, strong, healthy and fulfilled and well just plain enjoying our life more! In the second place, when we are thriving not just surviving, we are literally more resilient to the challenges and adversity that comes along in life whether they are small annoyances or the “Unthinkables”
Let me give you an example as a gardener. Have you ever really wanted to grow something in your garden, but the conditions in your garden really aren’t what the plant you want needs? I have! I have a shady back yard, I have tried to put sun loving plants in, guess what? It doesn’t work. Some of them survive but they don’t thrive, they are straggly, prone to disease and not many blooms. But put in a shade loving plant. Whoah, they thrive, in fact most years I am giving away cuttings because they are so prolific. My shade loving plants can survive a little adversity in their lives, like a drought or being stomped on because most of the time they are in thrive mode, they are Resilient.

Just like plants, we need what we need to thrive in our lives. We need to live in abundance and prosperity, we need to live where we really want to live, do what we really want to do, love and be loved, feed our bodies and minds what they need and so on. We need to live in a way that like the garden plants we are prolific!!!!
Plants come with ” Care Instructions” Full sun, part sun, feed regularly, water frequently, let dry out, prune in the fall etc. I suggest that instead of making New Year’s Resolutions we make ” Care Instructions” for our own lives.
The first step, is to draw your awareness to what kind of life you want. Using the garden analogy, are you sun loving, shade loving, ever green. Let yourself imagine exactly the kind of life you want to have, where do you want to live, who do you love, what kind of friendships do you have, what do you want for money, what are your energy levels, interests, what does a day look and feel like for you, what about a year, a month. Just a little hint, when you use words like “should”, it could mean it is not what you really want. Take your time or do it in a hurry. Use paper or virtual, but write it down….. do it and throw away the Resolutions!!!

Next up… How to write your own care instructions.

Susy Giddy is a Life Coach. One of her specialties is helping people who are facing adversity and challenges in their lives. She can be reached at https://calendly.com/coachsusygiddy