More Money

More Money

Money is on a lot of our minds lately, isn't it? The economy worldwide is crazy, grocery prices are wild and the news headlines are a bit scary moneywise. The really good news is that we all have a relationship with money, isn't that crazy to ponder? It is true. We...

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A Love Story

A Love Story

You know what? You just can't make some stuff up, do you know what I mean? So please let me tell you what just happened. Ruffus and I were out walking around the campus of the University near us. It has beautiful gardens and according to Ruffus, great smells, we go...

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Eat, Move, Think

Eat, Move, Think

As I was going to the Chiropractor the other day, I saw this sign. I literally stopped in mid-step, I was so struck by how true and powerful this is. Our lives are made up of what we eat, how we move and what we think, it is so simple. We are, in fact, a manifestation...

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Flat Tires and Other Stuff

Flat Tires and Other Stuff

It happens, doesn't it? All excited for a road trip and bang there goes a tire. Settle down for a cozy movie night, the wifi has a speed of 5. Open the pool for the season, pool supplies are out of stock, you get what I mean, right? I call this unexpected Sh*T, one of...

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Make Gratitude a Habit

Make Gratitude a Habit

Have you ever read or seen the Play by Thornton Wilder, called Our Town? Some folks call it the greatest American Play of all time. For me, it holds perhaps the most powerful message of my life. Without spoiling it for you, it involves a young woman who has died and...

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Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

I mean I am not sure if people still do Spring Cleaning, do they? When I think of it, I see open windows with fresh air, I smell lemon-based cleaning fluids, and polished floors that sort of thing. Here in Nova Scotia we have the problem of Spring not actually...

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