I mean I am not sure if people still do Spring Cleaning, do they? When I think of it, I see open windows with fresh air, I smell lemon-based cleaning fluids, and polished floors that sort of thing. Here in Nova Scotia we have the problem of Spring not actually arriving but I think that is a different matter and it is not the actual point.

The point is if we can Spring Clean our homes and cars (that is a thing), we can also Spring Clean our lives. Kind of cool, eh? We all accumulate stuff in our lives, some we want to keep, and others not so much. Along with the good stuff, we tend to accumulate, worry, stress, have too much to do, say yes when we want to say no, and on and on, do you know what I mean? What would you like to get rid of in your life, what can you clean out? What would give you More Time, More Money, More Energy?

I got to thinking about all this after one of my clients told me she wanted to declutter her home. She is going to start in her home office, she knows that as she declutters her office she will also declutter her mind. Now of course I am not Marie Kondo, but I know a bit about decluttering. I follow the Keep it, Store It, Get Rid of It rule. So when I go through a space to declutter I either keep it, store it or toss it. It really makes it so simple and quick.

The same process works for our lives. Yesterday, in fact, I tossed out a situation in my life. It was cluttering my mind and heart and time. I put it through the keep it, store it, or toss it filter and realized it doesn’t serve me in my life, it causes stress and worry and I just don’t have room for it in my life, so I tossed it.

Just like when we Spring Clean, or declutter by removing what we don’t want from our lives or closets we make room for what we do want. I have decided that with the time I used to spend on the situation which was weekly meetings, I am going to go bike riding, with Ruffus ( I know we have to see how that will work!)

So what Spring Cleaning do you want to do? My client wants to declutter her whole home but she is starting with one room. I want to clean up some things in my life but I started with one situation. Where do you want to start?

I am here to help if you need me.

As always all the best,

Coach Susy

P.S. I can help you create the life you want. Click here to book a FREE 30 minute call.

P.P.S Click here for more information and to enroll into my Create the Life You Crave Program or if you would like the Free Getting Done Worksheet, click here.