Money is on a lot of our minds lately, isn’t it? The economy worldwide is crazy, grocery prices are wild and the news headlines are a bit scary moneywise.

The really good news is that we all have a relationship with money, isn’t that crazy to ponder? It is true. We all have our own particular relationship with $$$$$ based in large part on our childhood experiences with money. It is our relationship with money that drives our experience and actions with money rather than the actual dollars and cents of it. Some people are money worry-free with 10 bucks in their account and some folks worry with hefty balances.

Since money is a big part of life and of Start Living the Life You Want, a lot of the work I do with my clients is about money.

I decided to create a new Program called Moneywise.

In three weeks you will dive into your current relationship with money, uncover fears, and create a new relationship with money and your own unique money plan.

We will do this with worksheets, homework, meditations, and weekly sessions with me.

Summer is the perfect time to take this short three-week journey into Money.

The cost is 300.00

to Register e-mail me at susy@cabaretelifecoaching.

Hope to see you soon.

Coach Susy