The Universe Speaks

The Universe Speaks

There are a few things I know for sure in this life and one of them is that the Universe has our backs. She wants what is good for us, what is best for us and she will help us find our way! If we listen! The trouble is we don't listen and sometimes we don't hear her....

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My Angels

My Angels

There is a spot on Highway 101 in Nova Scotia, known as the Valley Highway, and each time and I mean every time, we pass that spot, we say thank you out loud and once a year on October 5th, we stop, and we get out, that is my husband Martin, our dog Ruffus and I get...

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Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction

You may have heard about this law of attraction stuff...... in a nutshell it means what we think and do and believe we attract into our lives. Kind of like our thoughts and energy are magnets and they attract stuff in our lives. So the theory goes, if you want more...

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Life: Shitstorms and Sunshine

Life: Shitstorms and Sunshine

I don't know about you, but when I was younger I sort of thought things like " I will be happy when everything is fine in my life" Like plenty of money, great job, no one sick all the things. I really thought that there would come a time in life when Shitstorms...

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No More People Pleasing

No More People Pleasing

I am by nature, the world's biggest people pleaser. The People Pleasers People Pleaser. I say yes, when I want to say no, I try to keep others happy before myself, including BTW strangers and clerks in stores that kind of thing. It was/is pretty bad. I want to tell...

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