There is a spot on Highway 101 in Nova Scotia, known as the Valley Highway, and each time and I mean every time, we pass that spot, we say thank you out loud and once a year on October 5th, we stop, and we get out, that is my husband Martin, our dog Ruffus and I get out of the car and we lay yellow roses, and we cry and we thank the angels, and here is why.


On October 5th 2016, we, that is to say, Martin and I and Ruffus were driving down the 101 towards our cottage in Mt. Uniacke, the car was loaded up with the Thanksgiving groceries and our heads and chatter were all about the upcoming holiday, pumpkin pie, Turkey, wine and peace. Martin who was driving at 110 kilometers per hour says to me ” I don’t feel well” and fainted in my arms. The car swerved down the highway, I could not reach the steering wheel and there we went swerving and making “s” shapes. The car turned completely over and as it landed back on its wheels it stopped right before it hit a cement wall! And there were my angels stopping the car. My father newly deceased ( at the time two months) and my little brother long-deceased stopped the car and said,” It is not your time.” My father was as he had been at the age of 45, in his prime, ( he lived till he was 90) strong and handsome and my brother who died tragically at 14 appeared as his strong 14-year-old self. And in the next moment, the most powerful message came through me. The message was” At the end of your life all that matters is love, how well you both gave and received love”

My husband woke up and said, ” Oh the windshield is cracked”. The emergency team arrived, he had a broken neck at C2, otherwise known as ” hangman’s” for obvious reasons. He made a complete recovery.

People call it a miracle and there is no doubt it is miraculous. What I know to be 100 percent true is that my angels My Dad and my little brother saved us. So that is why we say thank you out loud when we pass that spot and that is why we lay yellow roses each year at the side of the highway on highway 101!

With love,


Susy Giddy is a Life Coach. She walks the walk and talks the talk!