You may have heard about this law of attraction stuff…… in a nutshell it means what we think and do and believe we attract into our lives. Kind of like our thoughts and energy are magnets and they attract stuff in our lives. So the theory goes, if you want more good, think and do good, if you want more negativity think and do negative things. There is a lot of detail to go with this theory like what the subconscious is doing and so on but what is important is the simple basic concept, we get more in our life of what we think and do.

This brings me to Saturday morning. In Nova Scotia we have this saying, it is ” Kurplunking”, I know funny word, eh? It means to go out and follow your nose, with no plan or goal just go and be. I love kurplunking. It is a time for recharging and adventure and well, it is so fun. So last Saturday morning I was out all alone, not even Ruffus with me! I went to the Fabric store, Superstore and had fun little interactions with folks and eventually went to the post office.

In the post office line right in front of me was a young man trying to change a money order. It seemed rather complicated and even the postmistress had to call Ottawa for instructions and there seemed to be a lot of sighing going on from all directions. The line was about ten people long and growing. I was fascinated by the whole process and didn’t mind at all. Around the 20 minute mark, could have been 30 minutes, it comes to be, that the young man needs to pay a fee to complete all this. This unexpected fee threatens to become a deal-breaker or so it appears. So the money order was printed, but the youngster didn’t know about the change fee. I asked him how much it is, he says 7.50, I say I will pay it so he can have the money order and get going….. all the people in line seemed to be holding their collective breath as is the postmistress as we are all vested by now in the outcome. He protests but eventually agrees and he gets his money order and I get my stamps and so continues along the Saturday Kurplunking.

And then we get to Monday. The Sunniest day of the spring and my sunglasses pull a disappearing act, nowhere to be found. So I decided to go look at Ray-Bans. Up until now, I have been a solid dollar store sunglass wearer, but as of late I have been working on changing my relationship with money and getting things that make my heart sing. My previous relationship with money was kind of dark. I believed I had to work hard for very little and so dollar store sunglasses fit that model. My new relationship with money is that money is earned joyfully and used joyfully. Thus Ray-Bans are now possible. So off I go to the Sunglass store. My husband, Martin comes along to help me choose. A beautiful young woman named Taylor helps me patiently. I gasp at the price stickers 282.00 and so forth, but I soldier on because well, I want to change my relationship with money. At long last, I choose the pair, truly the most beautiful pair and comfortable and comforting to my eyes. As the long-haired Taylor rings them in, I start to cry to Martin. I can’t believe I am getting these beautiful glasses I say, I have waited my whole life. He coos at me and hugs me.

And suddenly the amount pops up on the cash register, it is literally half the sticker price. Smiling shyly, Taylor explains she has used her last “friends and family”discount card for me. “Your joy and tears at the sunglasses touched my heart “, she explains. Can you even? I thank her profusely And with a full heart and magnificent sunglasses I go to the car.

And that my friend is the law of attraction.

Susy Giddy is a Certified Life Coach. She walks the walk and talks the talk of coaching Check out her Blog at email at or web site