The Importance of getting good sleep is well known and well documented scientifically. Sleep is a time when our bodies, minds and spirits are restored, repaired and rejuvenated.

From the point of view of Resiliency, it is a crucial building block. We don’t need scientific evidence to tell us what we already know, with a good night’s sleep, we can sail through the ups and downs of a day with ease. On the other, hand a sleepless night can lead us to find even the smallest tasks difficult and more easily become over whelmed at the larger bits of our lives. Long term good sleep promotes better health, stronger immune systems, better sense of well being and just plain more enjoyment and pleasure in life. So as we build Resiliency for Life, we are also building Resiliency for when adversity and challenges come our way. In other words if we have established a habit of good sleep during good times, it will be easier to maintain when facing difficult times.

I sort of abashedly admit that for many years I did not know about “Sleep Habits”. I, annoyingly put my head down, turned off the light and woke up 8 or 9 hours later. I used to listen with amazement to my husband and neighbors talking about what had gone on in the night, like sirens or dogs barking, because I was blissfully unaware. As the years have gone by and the stresses of life mounted my youthful land of uncomplicated zzzzzzzzs has been compromised. I have learned the hard way, the value of good sleep, the cost of too little and happily now have developed strong sleep habits, which my younger self might chuckle at, but oh, the folly of youth.

Here are my Top 5 Tips.

  1. Get Daily Exercise. A walk, a run, outside if possible, it helps relieve stress and promotes better sleep.
  2. Limit alchohol consumption. Even though that extra glass of wine may make you feel sleepy and relaxed, it can easily, lead to the 3:00 wakey, wakey, squirrel mind going in circles.
  3. Develop a form of relaxation, such as yoga, meditation, breath work, This helps to get the stress out of your body, mind and spirit leading to better sleep.
  4. Take care of your sleep environment. Ensure that you have a comfortable bed, pillow, the right temperature, covers, sleep clothes (or not), that noise is controlled, apps are available to help with white and pink noise, as well as light, my bedroom is so dark I can’t tell if my eyes are open or shut).
  5. Put all devices away and off a couple of hours before you go to sleep, the lights on devices can interfere with the biochemicals needed for sleep as well the anticipation of a text or message coming in can keep us alert, and the over all stimulation of the information on our devices keeps us reved up as opposed to calming down.

I hope these tips help you get great sleeps.

As Always All the Best,

Coach Susy,

Susy is a Life Coach. She specializes in helping people through times of adversity and challenge as well as developing Resiliency for Life. She can be reached at