I am a Life Coach, I help people get their best lives. Whatever that is for them. Coaching gets results quickly. I am often asked to give examples of how coaching helps people and the answer is Life Coaching helps any and all parts of life.

One way that coaching helps is by identifying and unwinding our stories. We all have stories that we tell ourselves. When these stories do not serve us in living our best lives we need to have a look and change the story. What do I mean by stories?

I have two examples for you. When I was little, I got 25 cents a week for allowance which I received in exchange for cleaning the bathrooms. I loved reading Nancy Drew books. At that rate, it took five weeks for me to save up enough money to buy a book. Five weeks is a long time to save for a 10-year-old. My takeaway was that I had to work very hard for very little in life in order to get what I want. My story became just that and so in my adult life with this story of having to work very hard for very little, I did just that. I undercharged, overworked, and got less than I wanted. I worked with a coach and uncovered it as just a story. So I changed my story to a new one. My story now is, I love earning money, I love helping others and I get paid well for what I do and I have the money to Create the Life I Crave.

My other example is from a client. She had an experience as a child in which she desperately wanted a special toy, when she received the toy it coincided with when one of her parents had left home to go to work away from their hometown. So the little girl concluded that it was her fault for wanting the special toy. Her story became that money is bad, and it is best not to want things. This story was not helpful in running a small business, it was hard for her to charge what her products were worth, and put stress on every area of her life.

In my work with my client and with myself, it is a matter of changing the story. My client understood for the first time it is just a story she was telling herself and believing and once that awareness was there for her she could begin to change the story to something more helpful to her, others, and her life. I am very happy to tell you that her revenue greatly increased, her stress reduced and her life greatly improved.

So next time you feel stuck or have that same old same old feeling maybe have a look to see if it is a story you are telling yourself. Coaching can help you rewrite the story and get the life You Crave.

You can write a new one and Coaching can help.

I am here if you need me.


Coach Susy