Happy 4th of July to all. Sending you wishes for a celebration full of fireflies and sparklers and watermelon.
I love this time of year of National celebrations. I wake up on Canada Day so excited for the day ahead and so proud to call this beautiful country home. I know we have our issues, big ones in fact and still it is a beautiful country with gentleness running through her very soul.
And then I wake up on the 4th of July, so excited for the day, so filled with memories of fireflies, and sparklers and watermelon and staying up late. I am proud to be an American and yes I put my hand on my heart for the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star-Spangled banner and I vote there.
People ask me are you Canadian? Yes! Are you American? Yes. Some scratch their heads as if it doesn’t quite compute. I must admit I have asked myself things like ” Am I more Canadian or more American? Not even getting into Dominican status at this moment! The truth is I am both. I am proud of both countries. I get mad at both countries, I am loyal to both but mostly I love them both.
It brings me to the point of this little post. I think we need more duality in our lives. What the heck do I mean? I mean sometimes both things can be true. We can both be right, we can both be wrong. The proverbial cats and dogs can exist side by side. We can, in other words, make space for all of us, for different ways of living, thinking, and being. There is room for duality, there is room for us all and there most of all room to love many ways of being.
And this is my wish for my beloved USA from my beloved Canada on Independence Day. Let’s make room for us all.
Happy 4th my friends!