Ahhh, that moment when the Good Witch, says “You had the power all along dear” to Dorothy and she clicks her beautiful Ruby slippers together and poof she is back to Kansas, her home.
We all know the story of how she followed that yellow brick road and along the way she met dear friends, like the scarecrow, the tin man and the lion. She also met a terrifying witch, scary monkeys, drug filled poppy field and a charlatan wizard to name a few!
I think the story is so profound. We all follow the our yellow brick roads, called life, don’t we? We meet our scarecrows, tin men,and lions. We find love, courage, brains and we also have our share of witches, scary monkeys and charlatan wizards. they come in the form of disappointments, fear, loss to name a few. We get lost and can’t find our way back home to our own Kansas so to speak, just like Dorothy.
Sometimes when we are lost we feel stuck, but like Dorothy, we have the power all along, we really do. And sometimes like Dorothy, we need The Good Witch Glinda along our side to help us find our power, to help us remember that all we have to do is click our heels.
In my own life, I have found my Good Witch Glindas many times over! I hire Life Coaches to help me find my way. When my husband and I decided to follow our dream and move to a tropical island we hired a coach to help us make sure we got there. When we almost died in a car accident I hired a coach to help me find my way to the new normal. Building a business to help others, I hired a coach. I hired a coach to help me figure out Wine! And each time what they did was help me realize that all along I had the power to find my own way, my own answers, my own power! Not saying it is actually always so easy as clicking the ruby slippers. It is however about finding your own power when life has obscured it from us!
When Ruffus and I were out running this morning it came to me that as a Life Coach for others I am like the Good Witch Glinda! I support my clients, I believe in my clients, I champion their success and serve as a guidepost to them, keeping them from danger and most of all reminding them they have the power all along.
Susy Giddy is a Certified Life Coach. She lives with her husband Martin, Ruffus the Rescue Dog, and Corey the kitten. She can be reached at susy@cabaretelifecoaching.com or FB Cabarete Life Coaching
I just received this from one of my beautiful clients!
I’ve been seeing Suzy for almost a year now. 2020/2021 Wow. I can’t imagine where I would be without her support over this time. She coached me through recovery from Covid-19, a subsequent back problem that landed me nearly 3 months of bed rest, a strict quarantine when the new variant hit my community, reentry into society and work, and all of the things I didn’t even know that were pulling at my strings, making me a puppet of an unhelpful mentality.
Suzy has a very special ability to know someone and be with them in just the way they need. She has been very flexible with me as a cheerleader, coach, friend, and teacher. Imagine if you had a teacher that let you write your curriculum and determine your own homework and when you didn’t feel like it, they would do it for you.
I came to Suzy to get some help with self-discipline and maybe set a new course for my career. I got that and as a bonus, I have made changes that have essentially removed mental illness from my life. What!? I don’t even know how to explain it. I just know that I have always been on and off medications for depression and anxiety and now I doubt if I will ever need them again.
It sounds like a lot, and it is.
For me, having a life coach has sped up my development in every aspect of life that is important to me. Sometimes it is simple things like arranging my schedule. Sometimes it is crucial shifts like learning to love and care for myself.
Wanna know why I bought this pretty dress? To CELEBRATE, yep, to celebrate six months of LIVING wine free. What a day! And to make it all the more special, I was driving down the street of our village in Quebec, wondering how to celebrate when poof, in the window of a Quebec design shop was this dress, and the rest well you know…..I ran in and bought it and ran home and put it on, cuz being wine free is just that huge for me!
Where to start the story is always hard to know, isn’t it??? I suppose like with many drinkers, my relationship with wine began innocently enough. The love of my life, my husband Martin, and I would sit down after busy days raising a family, running a business and architectural practice, and connect over a glass or two of wine. It was a lovely time of day, or evening really, always around 10:00, kids in bed, talking over the day and so happy to be with one another. I might not be writing this if the innocence had remained.
The years went by, many, many years and life happened. The kids grew up and moved away, we almost died in a terrible car accident, our son did die of brain cancer and then the pandemic. Under the stress, my relationship with wine changed from an innocent time with Martin to relying on wine for all sorts of things. Like numbing the pain of loss, like celebrating, and like something to do during the pandemic lockdowns. So the relationship shifted from enjoyment to reliance. I did not know any of this six months ago. All I knew was that I was drinking more wine than I wanted to drink.
Over the years I had researched, things like cutting back, dry January, 10 day AF and of course AA. I did not identify with being an alchoholic, I drank two or three glasses of wine every day, I did not want to go Alchohol free and take up a hobby ( that sounded grim to me) and I sure did not want to have to white knuckle stopping drinking my beloved wine. So what did I do? Nothing. Just kept on drinking my wine and wishing I could stop. Until……..
Until what??? One day I heard about changing my relationship with wine. Now that was an idea I, a Life Coach could get on board with. That sounded interesting, fun, and doable to me. I was going to get to choose my relationship with wine, not be told by some program or person or some cookie-cutter version of what was right. I figured that in order to understand my relationship with wine, I needed to take a break from it, not a long break just a break. So one evening, six months ago, I stood up and poured my glass of wine back into the bottle. I was taking a four-day break. Doable eh? Four days??? I did not think I was stopping drinking wine. I thought and I still do I was taking a break from it, in order to understand it. I did not actually know what I wanted my relationship with wine to be, but I wanted to find out.
Here is what has happened so far:
I lost 20 lbs. Wine slows down the metabolism, I used to have lots of snacks with wine. Now I just eat three square meals a day.
I sleep 8-9 hours a night, no more waking up at 3:00 and thoughts racing.
I look better, glowing is how I would describe it.
I drink lots of water
I have much more energy
I have saved more or less 3000 dollars
I spend the money on fun things like clothes.
I am in fact healthier, not putting all that alchohol in my body.
I have much more time to do things.
I have much better relationships.
I earn more money.
So these are the results so far on paper so to speak. But these results do not in fact begin to tell the most important part of my story. The truth is, I have Blossomed without wine, into a beautiful version of myself. I am more expansive with myself and others, more tolerant, and more loving. I have more joy, things are just all the way around better on the outside and the inside.
As for my relationship with wine, well I have discovered so much. I was attached to wine, expecting the wine to give me fun, to help me relax, to bring joy to my life and so much more. The truth is that wine did not give me those things. I give me those things. I find the joy, the love, the feelings, I do it, not the wine.
I don’t know, how long my break from wine will be. I know one thing for sure, I never want to ask wine to help me relax, drink it to have fun, or sip it to numb my frustrations or anger. I also know that until such time as I choose to drink wine again, we will stay separated.
As a Life Coach, I help clients find their own relationship with drinking. No rules, no judgments just support, and understanding of what it takes to find your own way.
If you or anyone you know would like help with this. Please reach out. I can be reached at 902-989-6221 or susy@cabaretelifecoaching.com
Our brains have a real negativity bias, nothing wrong with them, that is part of their job. We are wired more or less the way we have been since our cave people days, that is to say, to notice danger. Our ancestors had lots of dangers and troubles, like the proverbial tiger or dinosaur attack, so their brains, were wired to keep a lookout for dangers, in order to survive. Our brains are still wired the same way, only most of us are not on the look out for dangers such as tigers and T-Rex, but we still are very alert for the negative.
I recently heard a Life Coaching client tell me that she had reached her goal of 20 lbs lost, she told me she spent about one minute celebrating that achievement before starting to think about the next 20 lbs she wants to lose. She wasn’t being negative, her brain was doing what it does, looking out for danger, so it can alert us to trouble. Our brains don’t register the difference between real or perceived dangers, that part of the brain’s job is just to look out and alert us.
Our brains are magnificent. The trouble is for many of us, we get stuck in the negative, like our brains are working too well. When this happens we don’t experience, the good things in life as fully as we can. So, we go over and over the negative and literally skip over the good stuff. The good news is, we can train our brains to do both! So we keep the part that warns us of danger and train the part that experiences joy. We can do that by taking the time to celebrate successess and reaching goals and feeling joy, We stop, we literally let the feeling be in our bodies, we can develop celebration routines, like going for a pretty walk or call a friend or whatever helps you feel the celebration.
As a Life Coach, I get to celebrate with clients every day, the changes they make in their lives, the wins big and small, we celebrate, we take time to feel the joy and the accomplishment. It is super important to helping retrain our brains.
I am celebrating success today for myself and a client, check out this testimonial.
My general, uninformed idea about life coaches was that they were not really trained and not really helpful. Boy, was I wrong! I had the good fortune to have Susy support me during the thick of the pandemic crisis. Susy is profoundly knowledgeable, incredibly supportive and, through our weekly sessions, she was masterfully able to help me untangle many knots and messes in my head! I was able to better define my priorities and reclaim the time and space for them. Here is a concrete, life-changing example: as a business owner, I’d always been shy and hesitant to charge what I know my products are worth. Thanks to my work with Susy, I was able to discover how my attitudes toward money were shaped and how to replace those old beliefs with new, more relevant ones. I am now able to conduct business with more confidence and conviction. Needless to say, it has made a big impact on the viability of our business, particularly in these challenging times. I recommend 100% working with Susy if you’re ready to create some of the changes you know are necessary in your life.
I am taking the time to celebrate this. I am feeling happy, excited and good. I will share it with my husband and feel the joy. I will most likely go for a special walk with Ruffus, in short I will train my brain to experience celebration.
My suggestion to you is try celebrating your successes, notice what your brain is telling you. Notice how you can tell your brain to celebrate and it will. What can you celebrate today? Do it!
Let me know how it goes.
Coach Susy
Susy Giddy is a Certified Life Coach She helps people Feel Better Now and get their best life. She can be reached at susy@cabaretelifecoaching.com or Cabarete Life Coaching on Facebook
For me and many of my clients, the Coaching Thought Models are like a Magic Wand. Why? Here is the “secret” We get to choose how we feel by choosing what we think! I know that you may not believe me, you may not even want to believe me. You may, like many people actually think that things outside of yourself make you feel a certain way, good, bad or indifferent. It happens my friends to be true, we create our feelings by what we think!
Let me give you an example from my own life. I saw a friend in his car, I waved cheerfully, frowning he indicated he was on the phone. I thought oh, oh did I do something to offend my friend! Do you see how it was my thought that made me feel bad? I could have thought anything else, but me being me, I thought it was me he was upset with.
The next time I saw him, he was still frowning, turns out that on the day I saw him he was on the phone receiving a difficult health diagnosis. Do you see how it was my thoughts that made me feel bad? Not the circumstance.
So here is how the Thought Models work
We will use the self-coaching model, developed by Brooke Castillo, to learn how to coach ourselves.
Self-Coaching Model
Circumstance= Facts, events, words people say, things people do
Thoughts= Sentences in our brain in response to the Circumstance
Feeling=a vibration in our body that we feel after we have a thought
Action= what we do when we feel the emotion
Results= mirror our thoughts
So in my example:
Unintentional Model
Circumstance My friend on phone frowning
Thought I wonder what I did to offend him
Feeling Bad, sad, stressed
Action Ruminated, avoided talking to him
Result Stressed and less than
Intentional Model
Circumstance My friend frowning on the phone
Thought I hope all is OK with friend
Feeling Compassion/care
Action Give him a call to see how he is.
Result Able to support friend
So, I hope you see how I made my own stress, worry and unease by my thoughts. I also could change how I felt by changing my thoughts, this is why i think of it as a magic wand, wave and you feel better.
Try it for yourself let me know if you have any questions.
Susy Is a Certified Life Coach. One of her specialties is Helping People Feel Better Now. She can be reached at susy@cabaretelifecoaching.com
We hear a lot about fake news these days, don’t we? On TV, on Social Media, there are even documentaries on Fake News. During the pandemic, we have been quarantined, working from home, isolated, and in many ways just plain bored. This has led us to spend more time watching TV, Netflix, and scrolling, to name a few of our strategies.
The thing about Fake News is we tend to believe what we think and hear. So think about it, it is on TV, it is breaking news, it goes into our brains and minds and we don’t even stop to consider if it is true or not. Facebook and other social media have back-end algorithms based on our preferences and so we are sent ads and other information to further our beliefs that what we hear is true. Don’t believe me? Try googling, hmmm, tiddlywinks, pretty soon you will be seeing information about tiddlywinks popping up in e-mails, articles, and thinly disguised ads. All designed to reinforce what we believe, even and maybe especially if it is Fake News. The result, we believe it.
The remarkable thing is our own thoughts and minds deliver us Fake News, all day long. I know, sounds weird, doesn’t it? Consider this, we have somewhere around 60,000 thoughts a day, wild isn’t it. How many of them are true? How many do we believe? Most of our thoughts are in effect Fake News. Oh, it is Monday…. gonna be a bad day. Oh, I am too tired to do that task…She didn’t smile at me she must be mad… see what I mean? It goes on and on all day long upwards of 60,000 times a day, mostly without any fact-checking. And we believe our thoughts and we can make ourselves miserable and stressed because we believe our thoughts.
The GREAT news, not fake either, is that we can change our thoughts. Read that again we can change our thoughts. Literally, like waving a magic wand. And when we change our thoughts, guess what we feel better, immediately. So, try Hey it’s Monday gonna be a great day, I am tired and I can still do that task, ah she didn’t smile I hope she is OK. See the shifts in energy and mood. See how our very own minds work like fake news?
I suggest doing your own fact checking throughout the day. Follow this model:
What are the facts?
It is Monday
What are your thoughts?
I love Mondays vs I hate Mondays.
Hint. Your thoughts are not the facts. The facts are the facts. Monday is a fact, hating or loving Mondays is a thought you have about the facts. Very important distinction.
You get to choose what you think. You really do. Don’t believe everything you think. Try it and let me know how it goes.
Susy Giddy
Susy Giddy is a Certified Life Coach. She helps people FEEL Better Now. She can be reached at susy@cabaretelifecoaching.com or on FB at Cabarete Life coaching
Man oh man, the Pandemic has been hard. The lock-down, the worry, stress, the grief, the loss, and uncertainty have been unlike what most of us have ever experienced in our lifetimes, in that way we have been pretty lucky. As we move through this pandemic, the reopening of countries, states, and towns brings another round of stress, uncertainty and masks! So for example, we think the reopening of say a Garden Center will bring relief but when we arrive we have to navigate a totally new experience of the Garden Center, with clean hands, masks, one-way aisles and visions of Covid 19 respiratory droplets floating through the air. Moving through the new rules has not brought relief from uncertainty and stress, in fact navigating through the ever-changing way of life along with the uncertainty of when this will ever end has brought continued stress, worry, and grief to many if not all of us.
Mental Health Care workers are seeing a second pandemic, that is a new wave of folks suffering from mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety and stress. Folks are reaching out for help in unprecedented numbers to Help Lines set up to answer calls, professionals conducting appointments by phone and peer volunteer support to name a few.
My Mom, born during the Great Depression and whose childhood included World War II really helped me gain perspective on how to handle the Pandemic when it first arrived. I was saying to her how worried I was about how children were going to handle all this Covid 19 stuff. Her answer, was, ” I guess the same way we handled World War II”! How was that I asked? Well she said, “President Roosevelt came on the radio and explained that we were at war and things would change and we would all be asked to do our part and one day, we don’t know when it will be over. We survived we were Resilient”said my Mom.
My ears perked up both as a Resiliency Coach and one who has been through many, many of life’s storms and survived and thrived. My Mom, I thought is 100% right, what we all need to get through this pandemic is to be resilient. Resilience has many definitions, but the one I like the best is that Resiliency is a set of traits, actions, and behaviors that allows us to pass through difficult times and emerge not only unscathed but stronger for the experience. It is an attitude, a state of being not a one-time thing.
To me one of the best tools for getting through anything tough is having a plan. It makes so much sense! Getting through a hard time is very much like a journey and like a road trip we need a map or an itinerary. I first learned this idea from my own Life Coach, a number of years ago. My husband and I survived a nearly fatal car accident he with a broken neck. I was feeling quite overwhelmed and my coach said you need a plan! She was right, once I got a plan, I knew I could cope and thrive.
To Make a PERSONAl PANDEMIC PLAN consider including the following:
Stay in touch with others. Be creative, with phone calls. Zoom, Skype, maybe even letter writing. Reach out to others. It helps foster connection and reduce the sense of isolation.
Move your body each day. Exercise is super-important for feeling your best.
Plan to get sunlight each day that it is possible, not only will you feel better, sleep better but Vitamin D is a know immune system booster.
Be Mindful, Stay in the present moment as much as possible. There is no sense in riding the future train to nowhere. Yoga and meditation help calm the mind and spirit and keep us in the now.
Limit media…in fact going on a media diet is a great antidote to worry, we don’t need a minute by minute report 24/7
Engage in activities that are meaningful to you. For some it is taking on learning new skills, others tackling a reading list others organizing and still others doing puzzles. The most important thing is that it is meaningful to you, not what you think you are “supposed’ to be doing.
Allow yourself the space and permission to grieve the losses you have sustained and also don’t allow yourself to get stuck there. I recently got bogged down over the massacre in Nova Scotia, I tried to move by the grief too quickly and I ended up unable to focus. Once I remembered to let myself grieve I was able to move forward more quickly.
Be Kind. Being kind is a beautiful thing because it is good both for the giver and the receiver. What can you do today to help someone, something, someplace?
I believe that by having your own PERSONAL PANDEMIC PLAN you will be able to navigate these stormy times more easily, with less stress, less worry and more peace.
As my new hero Dr. Bonnie Henry says ” Be Kind Be Calm Be Safe”.
Susy Giddy is a Certified Life Coach. She can be reached at susy@cabaretelifecoaching.com
Have you ever been curious about Life Coaching? Do you or someone you know want help with the stress of the pandemic, isolation? Maybe this is a time to reach goals you have always dreamed of? Whatever it is, The Covid 19 Coaching Project can help.
The Covid 19 Coaching has been created to:
Provide coaching help during this pandemic at greatly reduced rates to anyone who seeks the opportunity.
All proceeds will go to help the girls at The Mariposa Foundation in Cabarete.
Provide me the opportunity to earn my next level Coaching Credentials.
Please message me with questions or for further information.
Coach Susy
Susy Giddy is a Certified Life Coach. One of her specialties is helping clients build Resiliency when faced with Life’s storms. She can be reached at susy@cabaretelifecoaching.com
I am a Resiliency Coach! We all know that life has a way of bringing storms, in the form of the death of a loved one, job loss, divorce, financial ruin, to name a few! I work with people who are facing one or more of Life’s Storms to show them, that they are stronger than the storm, so that they can move through the pain, stop hurting, and rediscover a life of joy, happiness, and love, as quickly as possible.
Saying Goodbye one last time!
I know what it is like to face tragedy and adversity. I have experienced some of the worst of what life can bring, the tragic death of my little brother at 14 years, the loss of my first marriage to domestic violence leading to divorce and single motherhood, the death of our son from brain cancer, a near-fatal car accident, that broke my husband’s neck to mention a few. I know what it takes to recover from grief and loss and still find the way back to a joyful life. In fact, if I were to say One Thing about myself, it is that I am Stronger than the Storm, I have learned that no matter what comes along, the sun will, in fact, come out tomorrow, ( or the next day, or soon).
Happy in Cabarete
I also know what it is like to have a dream and make it come true! I have had many dreams come true in my own life. I have for many decades been married to the love of my life. I dreamed of owning an Indoor Tennis Club and for ten proud years, I did just that. On a trip to the Carribean, I fell in love with the Dominican Republic and a few years later another dream came true when we moved to Cabarete, Dominican Republic, a happy, crazy beach town on the North Coast of the Dominican Republic. At the moment, I live, along with my husband, cat and somewhat famous Rescue Dog Ruffus, in a mountainside Chalet at my favorite Ski Hill, Mont Tremblant, Quebec, yet another dream come true. I know what it takes to make dreams come true.
Ruffus and SusyMy Trembling Mountain Mont Tremblant
As a Certified Life Coach, I am trained with many tools and skills to help you find your best life. Whether that is to follow your passion and make your dreams come true, your own version of your best life. Or to help you recover from the grief and loss that life has brought your way. I can help. Together we will find ways to get you the life you want. We will find what blocks you, establish new emotional habits, set goals and achieve them.I will celebrate you and champion your success.
Susy Giddy is a Resiliency Life Coach. One of her specialties is helping clients to Be Stronger Than the Storm. She can be reached at susy@cabaretelifecoaching for questions or to book an introductory call.
Recently, my daughter said to me ” You are going to have to be Strong for this One”, and later that same day, BeStrong appeared in my inbox, both those messages got me thinking about what it means to be strong, so here goes, my thoughts for the day!
We all know that Life can bring adversity and challenges completely uninvited into our worlds. We can be going along and suddenly we receive a scary health diagnosis or drive down the highway and out of nowhere be hit, break ups, job loss, disappointments both big and small show up in our lives and call upon us to respond. It turns out in fact that we are able to choose how we will respond to anything that Life brings and it is in our response that we find our strength and in our strength, we discover what it means to be strong.
As a Life Coach, I have the enormous honor of being entrusted with the challenges and adversity that are facing my clients, and together we find ways for them to be stronger than their storm. While, the details of their stories of adversity differ greatly, their journeys through the storm does not, they all have a single common thread and that is that their strength is bigger than the adversity and in this strength is a key element, let me try to explain.
When I think about “greatness” in sport for example, I think it is a very similar quality as Be Strong in adversity. In downhill skiing, for example, the great skiers, lean into the fall line, meaning, that the very thing, that is so scary, leaning down the hill, is the thing that makes them great. As opposed to beginners, who ( quite naturally) lean up the hill, away from the fall line, away from the fear. But as skiers when we lean into the fall line, we experience the thrill of skiing, that point where we are one with gravity, our bodies, the mountain, and the snow. But we know how much to lean into the fall line, too little and we are fighting the mountain, too much and we well, crash! The great skiers know how much to lean in at any given moment.
Running races can be won by the downhills! Great runners know, how to lean into the downhills, they release the braking instinct of their quads and literally lean into the downhill by letting the hill and gravity take them down, not fighting the hill but lean into it. They know, the exact amount to let go and lean so that they find the perfect balance between holding back and falling down.
I believe that the same thing applies to Life. When adversity strikes, being strong means knowing when to lean into what is facing us so that we move through it. Like the skier, we want to resist it, like the runner we want to put the brakes on, but that is not how we move through it. We move through it by taking it on, or leaning into it enough to make progress, but not so much that we are overwhelmed and fall.
Let me show you what I mean with an example from my own life. After a car accident, two years ago, I was traumatized so much that I was scared to drive, since my husband had a broken neck and we were out in the country far from any other form of transportation, it was up to me to drive and I did not want to be trapped by fear, not at all. The problem was that driving more than 10 Kilometers ( 6.4 miles) per hour was too scary for me, just terrifying. I learned to lean into the driving and into the fear. This meant that I learned when to push the speed, literally to 15, to 20, to 25 and so on until I reached 100, well OK 110 K per hour. I learned when to push, when to stop for a rest, when was too fast and when was too slow. It took being strong, it took being great, it took looking fear in the eye and saying, I am stronger than you! The day I could drive 100 K per hour, we had a party to celebrate! I was stronger than the storm.
I hope this has made sense. I hope that the next time a storm comes into your life, you find your strength, that you find by leaning into the storm, you will pass through it.
As always I hope this has been helpful,
Susy Giddy is a Certified Life Coach. One of her specialties is helping clients pass through their storms. She can be reached at 902-989-6221 or susy@cabaretelifecoaching.com
It happens in Life. that we are going along, and the unthinkable happens. As with the famous, unsinkable ship, Titanic, we are going along and out of seemingly no where, an iceberg appears, and the beautiful, elegant, unsinkable ship sinks, the truly unthinkable has occurred.
It happens in Life that we too, can be going along and an iceberg appears out of no where, it turns us upside down. Our icebergs come in many forms, deaths of loved ones, car accidents, loss of health, relationship break ups, job loss, bankruptcies, domestic violence, injustices, and increasingly, natural disasters, such as ferocious storms or fires to name a few.
I understand what it is like to experience the unthinkable. I have experienced some of the most unthinkable icebergs of life, a little brother who died at 14 in a tragic accident, a nearly fatal car accident and most recently the loss of our son to brain cancer. I understand, the mind numbing pain, the soul crushing shock, the intense longing for it not to have happened and the despair that knocks on the door!
Most importantly I, understand that unlike the Titanic, our icebergs do not need to sink us. I understand that even amidst, the incredible reaction to the unthinkable, there is always a path of healing, it always leads us out of pain, it always takes us back to life. The path begins with setting an Intention, not to let the iceberg sink us.
Coaching with me shows you the path out of the unthinkable, you will not sink, you will recover. Together, we find your path! I support you, care about you, acknowledge you, and hold the way for you as you journey through the unthinkable.
C Counselors are people who can utilize the traits of wisdom gained from their critical life experiences to help others. They are insightful, have the courage to recognize the suffering of the heart, and can relate to others through their own woundedness. They become a source of life and hope for others.