It happens in Life. that we are going along, and the unthinkable happens. As with the famous, unsinkable ship, Titanic, we are going along and out of seemingly no where, an iceberg appears, and the beautiful, elegant, unsinkable ship sinks, the truly unthinkable has occurred. 

It happens in Life that we too, can be going along and an iceberg appears out of no where, it turns us upside down. Our icebergs come in many forms, deaths of loved ones, car accidents, loss of health, relationship break ups, job loss, bankruptcies, domestic violence, injustices, and increasingly, natural disasters, such as ferocious  storms or fires to name a few.

I understand what it is like to experience the unthinkable. I have experienced some of the most unthinkable icebergs of life, a little brother who died at 14 in a tragic accident, a nearly fatal car accident and most recently the loss of our son to brain cancer. I understand, the mind numbing pain, the soul crushing shock, the intense longing for it not to have happened and the despair that knocks on the door!

Most importantly I, understand that unlike the Titanic, our icebergs do not need to sink us. I understand that even amidst, the incredible reaction to the unthinkable, there is always a path of healing, it always leads us out of pain, it always takes us back to life. The path begins with setting an Intention, not to let the iceberg sink us.

Coaching with me shows you the path out of the unthinkable, you will not sink, you will recover. Together, we find your path! I support you, care about you, acknowledge you, and hold the way for you as you journey through the unthinkable.

Counselors are people who can utilize the traits of wisdom gained from their critical life experiences to help others. They are insightful, have the courage to recognize the suffering of the heart, and can relate to others through their own woundedness. They become a source of life and hope for others.