Blog Posts
Get Rid of Toxic Stress Now
Many of us live in a state of chronic stress or what I call Toxic stress. Stress plays havoc, with our health, well being, our enjoyment in life, and in the long term can lead to major health concerns, like cancer, depression, heart disease, auto-immune disorders, it...
Susy Has Been Featured In Living International Magazine
I would like to thank LIVING INTERNATIONAL magazine for featuring an article about my journey as a coach in their “Income Overseas” column. Special thanks to Jason Holland author of this piece. Please enjoy this re-print: Life Coach Creates Her Ideal Caribbean Career...
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: The Prostate Wellness Program
So far in my life, I have had the greatest of joys, my children, and grandchild, my career as a coach, living the dream of moving to live on a tropical island, living the dream of living at my favorite ski hill, but by the far the best has been being married to the...
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: I’m sorry
to err is human; to forgive, divine (Alexander Pope) In other words being human means we will all make mistakes, some little, some bigger, some to ourselves, some to others, it is a fact of life. We forget to do what we said we would do, we snap, sometimes we lie and...
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: Loving Kindness
Happy Valentine's Day. The day we set aside to celebrate love. One of my favorite days of the year! I love the hearts, the conversation candies, the cinnamon hearts, the colors and the doily Valentines, I even love the date, February 14th. I guess you could say I love...
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: Asking for Help
" I just hate asking for help", said my one of my Life Coaching Clients during a recent session. We were discussing, reaching out to her community to help her solve a problem. Her resistance and dislike of asking for help, was palpable. Sadly, she is not alone, many...
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: Handling Toxic Energy
One aspect of Life that we all need to be Resilient to, is what I call, other people's off gassing. What I mean by this is when other people off gas THEIR stuff onto you. Their frustrations, anger, anxiety, irritation comes out of them in their words, behavior and...
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: 7 Tips for Drinking Less Wine
In my opinion, and the opinion of many others, based on studies showing the amount of wine consumed each year, world wide,wine is one of life's great pleasures. I just love sitting down with my husband, or friends at dinner or after dinner and pouring a glass of wine....
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: How to Get Good Sleep
The Importance of getting good sleep is well known and well documented scientifically. Sleep is a time when our bodies, minds and spirits are restored, repaired and rejuvenated. From the point...
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: Stress less
Many of us would like to enjoy a life of less stress, worry and tension, one with more joy, happiness and relaxation. We think that the source of our stress is external, money problems, relationship problems, work problems and so on. What if there was a way to...
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: Managing Worry
“Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere” ― Erma Bombeck As far as I can tell worrying is pretty normal. It is natural to worry about some of the things that life can bring, unpaid bills, job interviews, deadlines and so...
The Building Blocks of Resiliency: Managing Perception
For many people looking at these two weather reports and choosing where they would rather be, would appear to be an obvious and universal choice. For the record, I live in and love both places, just at different times of the year. I am in the - 29 Mont Tremblant by...