When I was a little girl in school in California, we had educational films. You know the kind with reels and a projector and the teacher had to feed the film into the reels and that was sometimes tricky, or so it seemed! Does anyone remember those? Anyway, one of these films had a big impact on me.

The film was a science film and it said one day, we would be able to see one another when talking on the phone. This was an amazing idea and dare I say sounded crazy impossible. The scientists back in that film in a classroom, in the 1960s in Los Angeles, were positive that this would become a reality. I remember telling my parents about it and they just laughed and my sister thought it was kind of icky that people would be able to see you in your PJs if that is when they called. I guess that is why Zoom has apps to zap out the PJS!!!

I was thinking about all of this while running down the sidewalk with Ruffus on Sunday. ( Even me having a rescue dog from the Dominican Republic who I am crazy about has an air of impossibility about it). I was thinking about how easy it is to arrive at the notion that something is impossible and how sad that is. I was also thinking that for some reason, the notion of ” impossible” is not one that is in my vocabulary. And if impossible is not in one’s vocabulary what is?

As we ran down the tree-lined street, with a blue sky and gentle breeze, my musings continued. I was thinking about running marathons. To step out the door and run 26 miles 385 yards requires most of all belief that it is possible. The how, I think is not as important as the belief, the knowing that it is doable. I was thinking about when I bought the Tennis Club and had no money, but I had the belief that it was possible. I was thinking about buying a condo in Cabarete and moving to our beautiful tropical island!

I was also thinking about some of my clients and the amazing things they do. I was thinking about the ones that run successful businesses, and write books and stop overdrinking. I was thinking about how they find love and go on dream trips and all the amazing wonderful things they do. I was thinking that they believe in the possible.

As we turned and started heading home and well Ruffus upped his sniffing, giving me more thinking time, I was thinking about the struggles that I have and my clients have and well we all have. I was thinking about the “nots”. I was thinking about what makes something NOT possible for someone. Like I have clients who say ” they can’t stop overeating or over drinking or start writing or whatever it is. I can tell you that 100 percent of the time it is due to a belief they have. The belief says ” I can’t”. Or it is too hard.” Or” others can but I can’t”.

And as finally the sniffing stopped and we arrived home, I understood in a new way that my job as a Life Coach is to help my clients find ‘their belief” and then anything is possible.

And then I, went inside and talked to my daughter on Video Messenger, so nice to see her.