I don’t know about you, but when I was younger I sort of thought things like ” I will be happy when everything is fine in my life” Like plenty of money, great job, no one sick all the things. I really thought that there would come a time in life when Shitstorms stopped and life became one big, eternal day of bliss.

Thank goodness I dropped that childlike notion and came to understand that Life is Shitstorms and Sunshine. It is true, isn’t it? Things can be going great and boom you break your shoulder and then the next thing you know the sun comes back out and your book is published! And that my friends is actually life.

I don’t think there is any point in trying to change that, cuz I don’t think it is possible. Here in my most beloved Province of Nova Scotia, I have learned a lot about Shitstorms from the rather psycho weather we have. We say if you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes. We get lots of storms here, heavy wild storms with crazy howling wind and things, not shit dropping from the sky but other things drop like hail and snow and rain and some peculiar mix of all three. And we hunker down, and lose power and eat storm chips. And then the sun comes out and we drop and I do mean quite literally drop whatever we are doing and go outside in the sunshine. The sun dapples on the water like diamonds and the sky is cloudless and you can’t imagine that a few hours ago the storm was raging. And you can’t imagine that the sunshine won’t last forever.

I think there is a lot of wisdom to be gleaned from the quixotic weather.

Accept and expect both shitstorms and sunshine in your life.

100 % this too shall pass

Celebrate the sunshine with all your heart.

Ride the shitstorms like a wave knowing this will pass

Enjoy the space between.

I have had a few of the big shitstorms in my life, death of loved ones, major car accident, divorce, financial woes, to name a few. I have learned to navigate them and I help clients navigate their Shitstorms as well. I have also enjoyed a lot of Sunshine in my life. I am married to the love of my life, have great kids, have followed so many dreams, and still following new ones Please reach out to see how my coaching can help you during Shitstorms or Sunshine.