Grief is a natural response to loss. When we love and our person dies, it hurts, it hurts a lot. The only way to avoid the pain of grief is to not love.

Here is what I know for sure; our broken hearts will heal, the pain of the loss will shift and light and joy will return to our lives, not with time but with intention. When we grieve fully we can live fully.

I know this because I am a bereaved sibling, daughter, parent, and most recently a spouse and I understand how much it hurts to lose your person. As you navigate the wilderness that is grief, together we will help you find ways to heal and to create a new life, one that honours your beloved and brings you new joy.

Working with me combines the tools of Life Coaching and Grief Educator to support you in your own unique way as your heart heals and you once again find the light. I will walk alongside you, you are not alone in this.