WELCOME To Start Living Coaching with Coach Susy Giddy!

You are a high-achieving, hard-working, motivated compassionate, caring person. Maybe you are a professional, a lawyer, a professor, a business owner, an executive…You are passionate about what you do and yet something isn’t quite right in your life is it?

You overdrink or overeat or both! You overspend, over shop, over scroll! I call this overing. It is a reaction to something not being right in your life. Maybe each morning you promise yourself you will stop “overing” and by evening you are reaching for chips or wine or Facebook or Amazon. You wake up mad at yourself for eating the bag of chips, or box of cookies or peanut butter or bottle or two of wine.

What if I told you this can all STOP! What if I told you it is NOT about the wine, the chips, the cookies, the scrolling, the whatever! It is true. All this overing is about what is going on inside us! Our thoughts, beliefs, feelings drive our actions! The spectacular news is when we change our thoughts, we change our actions. And we stop overing!

Imagine creating the life you want and living it Imagine living the life of your Dreams. Imagine waking up each day excited for the new day and going to bed each night content and looking forward to the next day. 1-1 life Coaching does just that, together we Create the Life You Want so you can Start Living.

How do we do that? I think of it in a way like cleaning out a closet or clutter! We go into a closet and take out the things that we don’t need, want, or like and we make room for new things that make our hearts sing. The same thing with coaching, we go in during our sessions and get rid of what you don’t want, maybe habits, thoughts, beliefs. By doing this, we create room for new habits, thoughts, and beliefs that lets you Start Living the Life You Want. With a clean closet, you get more time, more energy, more money, better relationships, more JOY, and satisfaction in life. You Stop Over drinking Overeating, Over Spending, over anything-ing!

You change your relationships with those things and more by changing your thoughts, and beliefs about yourself, coming to understand and appreciate yourself with loveand compassion creates space for Living the life you want. So you have healthy relationships with food, alcohol, others, social media money and so much more. When thishappens, space is created for truly creating the life you want, whatever that is.

Imagine creating the life you want and living it Imagine living the life of your Dreams. Imagine waking up each day excited for the new day and going to bed each night content and looking forward to the next day. 1-1 life Coaching does just that, together we Create the Life You Want so you can Start Living.

Imagine having a Coach with you to support whatever it is you want to achieve. ell that is what working with me is like. I am at your side, with weekly sessions, homework, support in between. Together we will Create the Life You Want.

I know all this because I have walked the walk of overing! I used to drink too much wine, raid the chip and peanut butter jar at 2:00 AM. Stuff popcorn down my throat. I tried and tried to change my overing. I hired a Life Coach and we found out what was driving those behaviors. And I changed my thoughts, which changed my feelings which changed my actions. I no longer drink wine, I no longer snack mindlessly, I no longer scroll or shop. I have more money, time, energy and joy in my life. And I help others do the same.

I would love to help you Stop Overing and Start Living. Apply here to see how we can work together

Coaching Packages:

Six Weeks
– 6 sessions (45-60 minutes)
– Homework, review of homework, & support between sessions
– Price $700.00 USD

Three Months
– 12 sessions (45-60 minutes)
– Homework, review of homework, & support between sessions
– Price 2000.00USD

Six Months
– 25 sessions (45-60 minutes)
– Homework, review of homework, & support between sessions
– Price $4000.00 USD

STILL have questions? Contact me at susy@cabaretelifecoaching.com to get your answers or click here to contact me.

I can’t wait for you to START LIVING!!!