While Ruffus and I were out for a run ( and a sniff), yesterday, we passed this sign. I was so taken with the message that I turned around and took this photo. The whole rest of the run I was absorbed in thinking about it. Ruffus, on the other hand, focused on the spring smells.

I was inspired to take the photo to share with a client who is struggling with Reconciliation in her own life and yet I quickly realized this applies to all of us.

I am pretty sure this particular quote is in reference to the Pope’s apology for the abuses of Residential Children here in Canada. An apology is a great start and the question hangs in the air ” now what”. The “now what” is “Action” isn’t it?

Passing snowdrops and crocuses, I was thinking about how ” saying you are sorry” doesn’t mean much unless your words are backed up with action. So if a cheating spouse ” says” they are sorry but continues to cheat, it doesn’t mean much does it?

It seems to me that on both sides of the coin, words and action need to be present. What I mean by that is that when we wrong someone, we need to use our words to apologize and we need to back it up with our actions. And when we are wronged we need to hear the words and experience the actions of the person in order for reconciliation to occur.

It all seems to come back to talking the talk and walking the walk.

That’s all for now.

