There are a few things I know for sure in this life and one of them is that the Universe has our backs. She wants what is good for us, what is best for us and she will help us find our way! If we listen! The trouble is we don’t listen and sometimes we don’t hear her. She is the Universe and doesn’t have the same tools as we do, like a voice and hands and other human things, so we need to learn to listen. It also appears to me that she uses whatever she thinks will get our attention which can be different for each of us. I have heard of her sending messages through dreams and dimes and animals and waves to name a few. So listen to this.

I have been struggling lately about whether to go see my daughter and grandson whom I have not seen since the pandemic and my heart aches for them. I ache to see and hug my babies and laugh and play with them and do nothing with them. Or do I spend Mother’s Day with my Mother who will soon be 90 and I haven’t seen her since the pandemic and she just had a very bad stroke. Just how many Mother’s Days could we possibly have left to celebrate together? Around and around my thought merry go round I have gone for many weeks, with no clear idea of what to do.

Yesterday, in our garden the tulips bloomed. Bright pink and cheerful. Almost without knowing it, I began reciting this little ditty to my husband. “There are tulips in the garden and tulips in the park but the tulips I like best are the two lips in the dark” ……… My Mom used to say this a lot to us when we were little and of course, it always made us giggle.

My husband and I and Ruffus have discussed this many times on our walks, and have been unable to come to any conclusion whatsoever, so we continue going around and around!

I woke up this morning and said to my husband “I need to go see Mom for Mother’s Day and the daughter and grandson in June.” Boom, done and dusted, clear and certain, knowing.

And I am pretty sure the Universe showed me the path by reminding me of that ditty!

So for me, I have learned that I hear The Universe in nature, in my garden, with Ruffus ( my dog), in the quiet of my daily runs, on our Island. She is not always loud but she is always clear and always always has my back!

Where do you hear her? What does she say?

I hope this helps you hear her,

With love,
