The Convertible

The Convertible

  I can't really explain how I became the very happy and proud owner of a convertible, it sort of just happened. I mean I didn't set out to get a convertible, it wasn't on my bucket list or even on my radar, or even anything that I ever thought of. And yet sitting in...



Grief is a natural response to loss. When we love and our person dies, it hurts, it hurts a lot. The only way to avoid the pain of grief is to not love. Here is what I know for sure; our broken hearts will heal, the pain of the loss will shift and light and joy will...

The Sucker Punch

The Sucker Punch

I am just sitting in bed on a snowy, Saturday morning, relatively content. Coffee in hand, kitty at the foot of the bed, covers pulled up my chin doing my things. Suddenly, FB sends a memory. This photo of Martin and I at Tremblant skiing and I literally feel like I...

Walking Through Grief

Walking Through Grief

The impossibility of learning to live life without my great love, my husband Martin at my side feels beyond enormous, it feels well, impossible, if I am being honest. For nearly four decades we have been in love, created a beautiful life, and have been basically...

The Impossible

The Impossible

The great love of my life, my husband Martin has a disease for which there is no cure. All the treatments that we do are to slow down the cancer and prolong his life in the best quality possible. This has been going on since 2016. So for seven years, I have been...

50/50 of Life

50/50 of Life

I don't know about you, but when I was growing up I kind of did believe in happily ever after. I actually thought there would be a time when everything was perfectly happy. So, I waited and waited and waited. Somewhat recently, I have come to a different understanding...

Beyond Overwhelm Kit

Beyond Overwhelm Kit

We live in challenging times, don't we? It appears that for many of us personally there is just too much going on. Globally there is a lot going on and some days or even many days or even most days it can seem like just too darn much. We feel frustrated, and agitated,...



In our family, we call worries " What-Ifs". They are the thoughts that pop up in our minds when presented with well, could be anything in life. They follow a formula, What if .....................and this bad thing happens"? "What if I write the book and no one wants...

Just Do It

Just Do It

The other night while out for dinner with friends, I was asked what is the main thing I do with my clients as a Life Coach! I love it when people ask me that question! I help people do the thing, I answered. The thing they want to do, the thing they have not been...

How you Eat, Move and Think

How you Eat, Move and Think

The day I saw this sign at my chiropractor's office, I stopped in mid-step. I was so taken with the truth and the simplicity of this message. We are in fact a direct manifestation of how we eat, move, and think. Each part is linked with the other, so how we eat...

More Money

More Money

Money is on a lot of our minds lately, isn't it? The economy worldwide is crazy, grocery prices are wild and the news headlines are a bit scary moneywise. The really good news is that we all have a relationship with money, isn't that crazy to ponder? It is true. We...

A Love Story

A Love Story

You know what? You just can't make some stuff up, do you know what I mean? So please let me tell you what just happened. Ruffus and I were out walking around the campus of the University near us. It has beautiful gardens and according to Ruffus, great smells, we go...

Eat, Move, Think

Eat, Move, Think

As I was going to the Chiropractor the other day, I saw this sign. I literally stopped in mid-step, I was so struck by how true and powerful this is. Our lives are made up of what we eat, how we move and what we think, it is so simple. We are, in fact, a manifestation...

Flat Tires and Other Stuff

Flat Tires and Other Stuff

It happens, doesn't it? All excited for a road trip and bang there goes a tire. Settle down for a cozy movie night, the wifi has a speed of 5. Open the pool for the season, pool supplies are out of stock, you get what I mean, right? I call this unexpected Sh*T, one of...

Make Gratitude a Habit

Make Gratitude a Habit

Have you ever read or seen the Play by Thornton Wilder, called Our Town? Some folks call it the greatest American Play of all time. For me, it holds perhaps the most powerful message of my life. Without spoiling it for you, it involves a young woman who has died and...

Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning

I mean I am not sure if people still do Spring Cleaning, do they? When I think of it, I see open windows with fresh air, I smell lemon-based cleaning fluids, and polished floors that sort of thing. Here in Nova Scotia we have the problem of Spring not actually...

I Have No More Fucks to Give

I Have No More Fucks to Give As one of my heroes, Jane Fonda says, I am in my third act and I am making it the best one yet. I mean to be able to have a third act is a true blessing, isn't it? So many people in my life have not had that luxury and so...

Doing Hard Things/Anything is Possible

Doing Hard Things/Anything is Possible

A full Ironman Competition is made up of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride and a 26.385-mile run ( a marathon). I stood at the finish line of The Mont-Tremblant Iron Man the year before Covid shut us all down. Each finisher heard the words " You Are an Ironman" as...

Create the Life You Crave Imagine living with more of what you want, money, time, energy, peace, wellness, joy, more love, and better relationships. Imagine less stress. Less frustration. Less to do. You can create this and more for yourself. Spring into Action Create...

Setting Boundaries: Time Creator

Setting Boundaries: Time Creator

The digital world, social media, devices, streaming, and all the things, have marched in and taken the world in a huge way. And as with so many things in life, technology is neither good nor bad, it is our relationship with it that determines whether or not it is a...