You were born for greatness and you know what greatness is, it is inside of you. My teacher Blair Abbass said these words in the Mindfulness course I am taking. I don’t know if I have ever heard words that ring more true to me. We were born for greatness, we have greatness inside of us. Each and everyone one of us was born for greatness. I let that sink in as he continued to talk.

As a Life Coach each and every day my clients come to me and they no longer believe that they were born for greatness, something has happened to them, the same something that happens to all of us, humans. We are born knowing we are born for greatness, I mean we have no other belief or reason to believe otherwise. We giggle, we smile at all faces, and we play with wondrous delight with our fascinating toes. We know that we are born for greatness!

Along the way in life, we start to hear things about ourselves whether by word, action, or deed and as time goes on our belief in being born for greatness, fades and we start to believe what others think of us. And it goes something like this.

I am thinking of myself, I was born a coach, born to be a coach. It is in every fiber of my being every cell of my body. Yet, when I wanted to study PhysEd and Recreation at University, my parents literally said ” Oh, you are too smart for that, study something real like French or History or Chemistry.” So I did because I didn’t want to be seen and viewed as a dumb jock! I got two degrees in something” real”. One day, when I was on my own with two young girls to raise, this voice inside me said, “go get your degree in PhysEd and Recreation.” The next day I went to School, and the Dean of the School greeted me, and I told him my tale “Welcome home”, he said, “welcome home.” That little voice inside me knew I was born for greatness.

I am thinking of the little boy who sat in school observing everything outside the classroom because he had the great curiosity to know how things work, how leaves blow when the wind rustles through them, how the light lands on the sidewalk, and what noises mean! The little boy did not know the answers to the questions going on in class, and his teachers and parents labeled him as stupid. He believed his teachers and all his life believed he was stupid. One day that little boy found out about The School of Architecture and he just knew that he was born to be an architect. That little boy grew up to be a brilliant architect and partly because he knew how things work. The little voice inside him just knew he was born for greatness.

I am thinking of the little girl who grew up thinking she did not deserve a good life. Her parents were busy and getting a divorce and she thought it was her fault. Each time something good could happen in her life she made sure it didn’t because she believed she didn’t deserve a good life. She is a client of mine. There is a voice inside her that told her to go for a promotion, to write a book, and to follow her passion. So now she has learned to listen to that little voice, and yesterday she received a huge promotion, she knows she was born for greatness.

We are born knowing greatness. We know nothing else. And as time goes on we hear things, lies really, because anything said about us that does not support our greatness is in fact a lie. I am not saying that the lies are necessarily meant to be mean, just that they are untrue if they do not fit our own vision of greatness.

When my client rang to say she was feeling undeserving of her new job Here was my message to her.”You were born for greatness. The greatness is inside you. Now go for it girl. Go for the greatness that is already there.”

And as I sit here writing, I think to myself ” What would the world be like, if we all knew of our own greatness? I wonder if that would create space for everyone to live in their own greatness?”

I am a Life Coach, and a big part of my work is helping clients rediscover that they too are born for greatness.

I am here if you need help finding that greatness!


Coach Susy

A special thanks to my teachers Blair Abbass and to Jenny Kierstead for their love and wisdom.