
When we think of fitness and wellbeing, many, if not all of us think of taking care of our bodies, right? What we eat, drink, and how much we move our bodies. We go to gyms, count calories, and drink water to stay hydrated, we pay attention to our bodies and strive to be fit.

On the whole we don’t pay as much attention to our brains, our minds our thoughts.

So much of what makes us be us, is our thoughts. They say we have upwards of 60,000 thoughts a day! That is a lot of thoughts. Most of them come and go like waves breaking on the shore, hardly noticed. However, some thoughts keep us stuck, in places we don’t want to be, they old us back. Some thoughts inspire us to achieve great things, to be happy, to Start Living the lives we want to have.

Thoughts are just thoughts. They are not facts. We tend to believe our thoughts and think they are facts.

Last week, I was scared to try a new fitness place My thought was ” I am too old”. It felt like that thought was a fact. If I had believed that thought, I would not have gone. As a coach, I recognized that my thought was not serving me, so I changed my thought to” I will go and try it out”! I went and had a ball and joined. It is because I believed my thought, that it “was Ok to go and try”. If I had believed my thought that I was too old I would not have gone.

So Thought Fitness is about watching what we think, changing thoughts that don’t serve our best interests. The thing is, even though it is easy, lots of us don’t do it. Here are three tips to get you started.

Tip # 1

Notice yor thoughts. What is your thought saying?

Tip #2

Is your thought serving you?

Tip # 3

Change your thought.

So in my example of wanting to go to Orange Theory. I wanted to go to Orange Theory. I noticed my thought. ” I am too old”, I checked to see if my thought was serving my desire to go to Orange Theory, it was not. So I changed my thought to ” I will go and try”. This thought served me. It served what I want to be doing which is trying new things.

So, taking care of our thoughts is taking care of ourselves and is a big part of Start Living.

I hope this is helpful.

Coach Susy