I did not get the memo about self-care growing up, especially during young adulthood, and motherhood. I did get the memo about self-care when I entered the world of life coaching. At first, I thought it sounded kind of icky and uncomfortable. Maybe like you, I thought I was supposed to take care of everyone else, including the dog. True story, I would rush Ruffus to the vet with runny eyes cause he rolled in the hay before it would occur to me to take care of me. I don’t think I am alone, maybe you feel the same way.

When finally I started to get it about self-care I had a strange understanding of what it meant. I thought it meant manicures, facials and fancy trips. There is Nothing AT ALL wrong with those things, but on their own, they miss the point.

Self-care is about taking care of ourselves because we matter. What we want and need matters. So what I now know is that taking care of myself allows me to show up for others in a loving, kind way and model for them self care.

Guess what? At the heart of self-care is BOUNDARIES. In fact, in my mind, all boundary work starts with the boundaries we have for ourselves. I have a few. It is about curating what we do with our time, money, energy, bodies, and minds to create the lives we crave.

Here are some examples of how I take care of myself. I wake up each morning and meditate. This takes care of my mind, I journal by using my Getting Stuff Done Method, this draws my awareness to what I want to do each day and helps me uncover any obstacles or resistance. I move my body every day, by running or walking with Ruffus, I eat food that brings nourishment to my body and spirit, and I plan pleasure each day. I do not for example jump out of bed and make breakfast because I know that my morning ritual is so important. I do not take running off my list for a day because somebody else needs something. I do not stay at my desk past a certain hour because there is more work to be done, I make time for pleasure and fun.

Before I knew about self-care, I absorbed daily life. The good the bad, and the ugly. It was the pedal to the metal all day every day. At 8:00 each night I would have a glass or two of wine, that was my version of self-care. Now I don’t drink wine. Now I take care of myself and I have no desire to drink wine. The exhaust from daily life doesn’t build up.

So while I don’t object to manicures, pedicures and fancy trips, I do quite enjoy them. I am, in fact, creating a Life That I Don’t need to escape from.

I can help you create the life you want. Click here to book a FREE 30 minute call.

Click here for a free copy of my Getting Stuff Done Method.

As always I hope this is helpful