‘By believing passionately in something that still does not exist, we create it.” Franz Kafka

The second most important thing I have learned ( after Gratitude) https://allaboutresiliency.com/the-building-blocks-of-resiliency-coping-with-the-unthinkable-gratitude

is to believe passionately that we are going to get through the experience. As Kafka says, ” By believing passionately…… we create it” This is because, when we believe something, our minds set about to find ways to make it happen. When we believe passionately, we have the hope, determination and courage to take the actions required.

The story of our dog Ruffus, is a great example of how “believing passionately”, guides you to coping when an “Unthinkable” event occurs. He was abandoned on the beach near our home in the Dominican Republic, his owner left him with no food, water, shelter or home. Ruffus wanted and believed with all his heart that he would get a family, so for two years he looked, he found food, water and shelter. He was not deterred by being turned away, having rocks thrown at him or yelled at. He just kept checking with people on the beach, until one day he found us, and the rest is as they say history. Ruffushttps://allaboutresiliency.com/ruffus-the-rescue-dog-or-the-rescued-dog/

I hope that by understanding how “believing passionately”, that you will get through the unthinkable no matter how unthinkable it is, will help guide you.

Please share with anyone you know who is facing an Unthinkable event I am here to help!

Susy Giddy is a Life Coach, one of her specialties is helping people find their path through adversity and challenges that life brings. She can be reached at https://calendly.com/coachsusygiddy to book a call.