I don’t know about you, but when I was growing up I kind of did believe in happily ever after. I actually thought there would be a time when everything was perfectly happy. So, I waited and waited and waited.
Somewhat recently, I have come to a different understanding of life. The 50/50 theory. What this means to me is that 50 percent of life is beautiful and easy just as we would want it to be. The other 50 percent? Not so much. It is hard, icky, and painful. This is true because life is, well life, isn’t it?
I hear from clients all the time about things like the tyranny of daily life. Meaning things like OK, I know I have a big workload but it is the internet going down that really does me in, or the car breaking down or the oil tank blowing up.
I also hear from clients all the time about the joys of life, the trips, the successes, the beauty, the book writing all the things.
Yesterday, was a perfect example. I spent the day at the hospital with my husband who was undergoing eye surgery. The very same hospital where our son had died a few years ago. It was very hard. We got home and in through the mail slot came copies of a Magazine featuring our house, a newly minted Heritage Property.

I thought, yep life is 50/50. The joy receiving the magazine actually canceled out the worry of the surgery ( a success by the way).
So for me accepting the 50/50 nature of life is very calming. It allows me to ride the waves more smoothly, knowing that life, as waves, is always changing. It causes me to celebrate the heck out of the good times. It allows me to always be looking for and creating joy. It frees me from waiting for ‘ happily ever after and loving the present moment.
As always I share these thoughts with lots of love,